Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Feelin'' the depression from lack of running......

So... What is it about running that makes you feel that much better? Why does biking or swimming not fulfill my body and brain's need for endorphin release? I can swim... a mile or two and finish... be tired... a little Jello-eeee in the arms and just in general feel like I've gotten a good workout... but not that high that comes with running.???? I think it's partly to blame for my BLAHness right now. Doesn't help that I'm at this moment sitting at a park bench watching my mentees from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society's Team In Training run, and can't join them.... part of the whole mentor experience is to spend that time with them, training.... talking.... Putting their minds at ease that the Marathon they are training for isn't going to be that big of a rock to jump over....It'll be a challenge... no doubt..... but not the shear rock face and you're standing there with no equipment with which to climb that some people make it out to be. I'm a firm believer in you can do what ever you put your mind to..... you just have to give yourself up to it.... whatever "IT" is and give yourself to it completely.... now that may cause you some issues... like scheduling issues, and sometimes... sleeping issues... Socializing issues... but these are the things you agreed to give up when you agreed to "give yourself to IT". Now that sounds kinda dooms dayish... because I know plenty of people who have been more than successful in balancing their life and their "IT". You just need some very understanding people around you.... especially loved ones. I hope that you all do have those people around you and they are supportive to the point of fault. It's amazing how much the positive comments of a loved one can do for you.... or seeing their face as you push your way up a hill...feeling the burn in your legs and that little prick that lives in the back of your head.... just sits there telling you "just stop, seriously you don't need to be doing this.... listen you got up, you got here, you made it through most of this thing.... that's enough isn't it.... listen your legs hurt... your tired... you've swam, and biked, look just stop and walk..." and then you see somehow out of the sea of faces that one that you know... that person who's voice is carrying over everyone elses... they're here cheering for YOU.... and it's amazing your brain just slams that door... listen little gremlin guy... GO HOME!!!! and your legs feel lighter... and your cadence goes up a bit and you've got a little more spring in your step... and then it comes the thing that takes away the pain.... (NO NOT ADVIL).... then you smile, and as soon as those lips turn up your rain just injects this boost of endorphins into your body... you go numb to the pain, you stop struggling, and just run for the pleasure of it.... you can't believe you ever doubted yourself. You push yourself to the next familiar face, pushing harder than before and smiling bigger than before. Then it RRRRREEEEAAAAALLLLLYYY hits you .... that moment every everyone in the race is waiting for... if you've done one of these longer races you know what I'm talking about.... your exhausted, this RIGHT NOW... today your race is THE FARTHEST you've EVER gone...and there it is.... the finish. AND NOTHING feels like getting to that finish line and stepping across it and saying to yourself, I've done it.... I've beaten you. and then .... in a hour, or a day, sometimes a week.... you then decide it wasn't that bad.... and NOW I've got a GOAL!!!!! beat my last time! and so you start training again....and maybe it's that expectancy of that flood of emotions that gives you the high... maybe it's you're naturally on a level higher than normal, because ,you in the back of you mind, remember that moment.... well that's it for now kiddies. thanks for reading.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger E-Speed said...

freaking awesome post Steve. I love the way you describe the run and wanting to stop but getting a boost from your supporters. It was like I was reliving many a race!


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