January 17, 2007
Week of January 15ht has been quite interesting… the true beginning of winter here in little ol’Cleveland. So the temperatures dropped and so has Steve’s ability to sleep. Sunday night I got to be at a reasonable time so as to get my butt out of bed on time to make it to Swim practice on Monday morning. My old man who happens to be staying with me for a while had quite the sleepless night… and therefore, seeing as how I’m a light sleeper… so did I. After waking up about 10 – 15 times over the course of the evening due to him moving around my house at who knows when AM in the morning, then my alarm went off. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ I opened my eyes … barely and I tried to stand up and when I was wobbling and could barely keep my eyes open, I decided that I might want to sit back down… apparently 3 hours of “good” sleep doesn’t cut it anymore…. SOoooo no swimming for Steve on Monday.
Monday night…Did make it to the gym for some lifting….. so not a wasted day.
Wednesday….. very cold…. but I was able to pull myself up to get out of bed and drive downtown to swim practice. Walked my way up to the door…. LOCKED! there were a couple of other guys trying to get in the other door. They yelled down to me as I started to head their way… “locked up here too!” as I continued to move their way they started to bang on the door and one of the maintenance guys came over to open the door for us. Not very pleasant… it was COLD… I had to wrap my one hand in my dress shirt in hopes of avoiding frost bite…. when the temps are in the teens / upper single digits I need to remember to bring some gloves. COLD I SAY! So practice was nice… as with the last practice I made it to JT’s already in the water, I’m not sure what time she’s getting there but she was like 200-300 yards into her workout by the time I was jumping into the water. I guess I need to get up earlier. She makes me feel like I’m REALLY Lazy. So I’m getting ready to make my way to the water… and in come Jen. “Hi Jen” been a while since I’ve seen her. She was giving me crap via the blog as well about not partaking in practice. So that was a good work out. my bum shoulder was bothering me by the end… and I had to do the last 100 IM with free instead of fly. I felt like I was cheating myself over that. OH! So what’s the deal with everyone deciding I need to lead the lane most of the time again? I’m back for 3 practices this year and WELL out of shape to be leading a leaf across a pool let alone these peeps! I always feel “on the spot” when they say “you lead” I don’t think I’m back feeling good enough to be out front. I feel like I’m slowing everyone down. I guess it’s could be good…. force me to move as fast as possible and therefore getting me back as fast as possible, but boy don’t I feel like the spot light is on….. good practice though. very tiring.
Thursday….. Went bowling last night and did not get to bed as soon as I would have liked to. Felt pretty good in the morning though. I was thinking about getting up to spin this morning, but didn’t… as I lay there in bed, I was thinking… I should have just gotten up… I’m awake anyway…..