Hmmmm where to start on my rant.....
So I was once again recruited to be the Water/Gator Aid Mule for a long run. This time we're doing 14 miles... of course as you all should know by now... I'm not running, because of the stress fractures, ... so I'm riding along at a very nice slow leisurely pace so we could talk and I could not only tote the water but keep company as well.
Ok so Pet peeve Number 1 for Steve when he's on a wonderful public path... When I say hi, hey, hello, etc etc etc... YOU MIGHT WANT TO HAVE THE COMMON COURTESY TO REPLY!!!!... ok sorry got a little over worked there. So were moving along, BEAUTIFUL day... when I say beautiful I mean beautiful... mid 80's not a could in the sky... Perfectly blue fantastic.... a day anyone of us would have killed for... to be outside enjoying the sun and warm weather training... Running biking, anything. Outside and I know as much as the next triathlete that when your training and pushing it hard you might not want to be chatty with people you pass but I think we all "get it" and at the very least you can nod your head, wave your hand, say hey, hi, hello... or any one of 900,000 other ways of expressing "good to see you out". But what is it about the "others" on the path.... why are they so rude and so .... Depressing.
When your enjoying the path whether you are a triathlete or an "other" you should have the courtesy of saying hi to you fellow enjoyer's of the outside. When a beautiful day comes along and you are out enjoying the wonderful weather... should you or should you not naturally be in a good mood? I vote for good mood. if you are in a good mood then you should be cordial to your fellow travelers??? no? So WHAT is it that makes people NOT have a pleasant mood and want to enjoy the outside with fellow peeps? Seriously, what could make you not want to say hi to other people, especially when they say hi first? you don't have to even initiate when I'm on the path, because I say hello to everyone.... so there's no excuse. So if you see me on the path you had better get that hand ready, or those vocal cords warmed up... Because I am going to say Hi and I sure as hell want you to return the salutation.
NOW pet peeve number 2!!!! When passing...... when on a path... you really, really, really need to notify your fellow travelers that you are passing. So we're moving along and people don't spend the air to even say "Passing left" or something close to that. Now don't get me wrong not everyone is rude, there are those who know common courtesy and notify you that they are passing. Not only is this a courtesy, but for both parties involved it's a "safety" thing. If I don't know you're passing me and I move slightly to the left or swing my arm out too far, or any other number of different scenarios that could harm both you and I. I mean I'm not exactly the size of a truck, but if you hit me I'm sure that it won't be a good experience for either of us. If you hit me with your "land cruiser" of a bike I'm going to take the 80 - 20 spread that you hit the pavement, and if you are so rude as to not notify me that you're passing, then I won't feel sorry for you.
OH... well thanks for letting me rant about people and how they help to ruin my wonderful day. So anyway we had a nice 14 miles other than a few dozen people who don't like other people.... a few dozen like 4 or 5 dozen..... it was a fantastic day and nothing better than being in the great outdoors.
On an unpleasant note.... I was planning on helping out at the Greater Cleveland Triathlon on Sunday Morning.... even set the alarm for 4:10 am.... I unfortunately caught a summer flu this weekend and I spent all day Sunday sleeping
I Hope the conditions were great for everyone's race.
I'm meeting a friend and the CTC tomorrow night for a swim at the Bay. Dave is new to triathlons and very new to open water swims, so hopefully tomorrow won't be so choppy for the swim and we can get in a mile or two.
See you on the path! and try to say hello to me... it makes me feel like you don't like me when you can't even say hi.... and how could you not like me???? I mean seriously I'm the nicest guy I know! HA!!!! keep smiling Cleveland!